Which will go Nady or Swisher? In my opinion I think that Swisher is the odd man out, taking in to consideration that Xavier Nady was one of the best Trades they have made in a while. Last year's stats really show how many teams can use Nady, he had a .305 Average 25 Long balls, and 97 RBI'S, and do you really want to get rid of him? If I’m the Yankees I keep Nady and trade Swisher for a 5th starter or some bullpen help. I believe that both players are very good and can produce run support, but they are two different players, Nady is more of a power hitter and a decent fielder, and Swisher is more of a contact hitter with gold glove caliber. In the long run one of these players is going, and I think it will be Swisher
I strongly disagree for a number of reasons. I think our pitching is set. The Staff of CC, AJ, Wang, Hughes and Joba is elite. And, our bullpen is the best its been with; Coke, Robertson, Veras, Edwar, Albaladejo, Marte, Bruney and Mo....
ReplyDeleteI believe we should try and get rid of Nady while his stock is still high. I really like the X man and its a shame he could never find himself a team but i would take the switch hitter swisher over him for this particular situation. Swish could play every outfield position and play it well and also be a very good First basemen when Teix needs a rest...
i agree 85% with u on , that i feel that we need a 5th starter, idk i can exactly trust hughes, he is injury pron, and i would like joba as my set up man, so i do think that Swisher will be the odd man out.even thou i do like him and think he will have a rebond year.
ReplyDeleteIf the Yankees get rid of Nady there goes another outfielder. If he goes then who is going to be their outfield. I don't think swisher can be an every day starter for the Yankees. I believe he isn't that good compared to Nady.
ReplyDeleteare you serious, swisher was an every day outfield in Oak, and played every day at first for the white sox... Our outfield is dismal anyways. If we happen to keep everyone the outfield is gonna be damon, swish, and nady.....if we decide to move nady, it will be damon, gardner, and swish ( swish obvs moving to right)the truth remains its not a championship caliber OF....
ReplyDeleteAnd Joe, i have faith in hughes, yes he did he banged around a lil bit, but last year after rehab he came back and pitched fairly well, we still have a couple triple A prospects that could set in and be the 5th
i know wat ur saying , but if u look at it, r u gunna trust young guys at the back end of the rotation, it did not work last year. And last year Swisher played center and corner postions, cause konerko, was at first and thome was the DH,It would be great to keep both but this article is just my opinon as it says at the top, but i think that this will be the future.
ReplyDeleteThe yankees didnt get Swisher so that he can play everday they got him for first base but since now they got Tex they don't need him at first so he will be a backup. Swisher wont be an everyday starter. Melky will start the season in CF and then gardner will take over if he does bad.
ReplyDeleteJoe, we won 88 games last years with ponson and rasner making 44 starts combined and wang only 15..... so are you really gonna try and compare ponson and rasner as our 4th and 5th starters to joba and hughes?
ReplyDeleteand Jeff, the reason we got swish was to play first everyday if we couldn't get teix. and melky will not be the opening day starter.
but again this is all opinion
ponson and rasner suck...joba and hughes r much better...idk y the yanks wld keep a guy like joba in the bullpen wen he is effective and can be a starter...he can have a 15+ win season!
ReplyDeleteNot true at all he shouldn't be a starter. He doesn't have the stamina to last more than 5-6 innings. Plus his pitches wont be as effective if he pitches more innings. Plus not all he throws is breaking balls and he is to afraid to throw a fastball and thats how he ruins his arm. Plus if he starts and only goes 5-6 innings thats more work for the bullpen.
ReplyDeleteIm not saying that joba and hughes suck, Im saying that Joba is not a starting pitcher, he is so much more affective in the pen, for example, a very similare picher in jonathan papelbon, he is just like Joba both throw in high 90's both have great off speed, and when the sox put papelbon in the starting mix he had no stamina and wasent doing good, and i see Joba doing the same thing, he cant go a solid 4 innings with out getting rocked. For phil hughes, I cant trust him after 2 seasons in a row of getting hurt, why make it 3, not saying he is bad but iam lukewarm when it comes to him.
ReplyDeletesolid points, but since i have a background in baseball, its called a pitch count, joba wasnt allowed to throw more then 4 or 5 innings because his arm wasn't used to it. He does have the stamina seeing how he was the ACE of a the university of Nebraska and pitched for more then 200 inning in 2 years. My next point, Joba is nothing like Papelbon, pap can only throw a split and a fastball, joba has a silder fastball curve and a change. Two completely different arsenals. My next point, Would you rather have one of your best pitchers only pitching 1 inning or 7....
ReplyDelete1-3 innings in relief